What a Day Looks Like Taking the Products on the Protocol


Staff member
Aug 20, 2023
This is the biggest question, "How do I take the supplements?" or How someone does do the Protocol in general? I will review the basics of how a day goes when on the protocol.

Eating good food, and taking good supplements are just two of the foundational principles, but....
We must remember that just like a car fills up fuel or electricity and uses it as it drives, we need good things, but also need them throughout the day. Most are taught to take good things and they end up trying to do a bunch of it all at once each day.

It's a major reason I see hair tests with extremely stressed results from clients who are intermittent fasting and eating later in the day. Don't let this scare you if you are someone who does this every day, I used to fast morning and mid-day myself and can help you transition over as your body desires it. When you get a good night's sleep the body will have high cortisol and insulin sensitivity in the morning and therefore be looking to deliver the bulk of its nutrients upon waking. To have insulin sensitivity in the morning and not insulin resistance you want to have a dinner that isn't packed with a bunch of carbs like:

  • Bread
  • Rice
  • Potatoes of any kind
  • Fruits
  • Sugars
This will prevent high blood sugar from keeping you from getting a truly deep sleep. I know many of you would feel you need to eat things like this leading up to bed or you can't get a deep sleep, but I promise you that when you get used to it this way you will see a dramatic difference in how you feel when you wake up. Getting a good night's sleep like this proves to have lower blood sugars in the morning and higher cortisol so you can feel more energized as well as really hungry. Eating in the morning is like delivering your nutrients with a race car, and skipping meals in the morning and delivering nutrients in the evening is like a smart car. Not only do we get optimal nutrient delivery, but we also notice that we stay satisfied much longer. It took me a while myself when I did this. What I notice is when people are doing the Level 1 Detox and having the daily meal in the morning and not in the evening, they find that breakfast becomes their favorite meal of the day very quickly. Always remember, you DO NOT have to eat breakfast stuff for breakfast. We eat dinner plates for breakfast a lot of times. When you are working towards getting 50-60% of your calories for breakfast, picking the right foods will make it a lot easier.

Your goal with my supplements is to get nutrients all day long by taking things when you wake up, with each meal and sometimes between meals, and then taking them leading up to bed. This will ensure that your body is not needing things when they aren't available. It's a massive reason why people have such high anxiety, energy issues, cortisol issues, and more.

Disclaimer - My supplements are not to replace getting nutrients through our foods, they are because our soils, agricultural, and food systems do not possess the nutrients in them that they once did. Nutrition labels do not have the same things in them they once did and hardly any of them are displaying any kind of mineral data from an actual test on that food. We are lucky to get general nutrition facts off the internet on our food products these days. Some clients push really hard and over time we get them onto mostly food. It definitely takes diligence and most of that effort is spent on sourcing or raising their own foods.


Products should be clickable for you to view right on our website.


Good Pinch of our
High Mineral Salt Of Life Sea Salt on your tongue, rub it around for 30 seconds, and follow with the water below. This can be repeated with 8oz of water when you are on an empty stomach before lunch and dinner.
16-32 Ounces of my Structured Water - Empty Stomach
1 Pre/Pro Biotic Capsule - With Your Water
1 Adrenal Cocktail or 5 Capsules - 15-20 Minutes After Water and Probiotic
Eat Breakfast - 15-20 Minutes After Adrenal Cocktail

Take 1 Digestive Enzyme right before you start eating or right when you begin eating.


A Small Protein Shake Using my
Collagen Peptide Protein Powder is good before breakfast but NOT TO replace breakfast. Do not load up on carbs as it will lower the amount of food you would eat for breakfast and also discourage you from eating enough protein and fat. Remember, carbs are meant to tell the body the meal is over, and to help with the food moving from the entrance to the exit. If we use foods accordingly, then we will notice our natural cycles in the body comes right back online.

KEEP CARBS DURING DAYLIGHT HOURS - Mainly breakfast and lunch

After Breakfast:

This can be a little different for everyone because of how quickly some do or don't process their foods. If you are burping up oils from cod liver or wheat germ then you either didn't eat enough fat in the meal, didn't have a digestive enzyme and probiotic and really need it to break down the fats, or you need to wait 15-30 minutes after eating for your food to settle before taking your supplements. Fat is needed to absorb fat-soluble vitamins and copper is needed to metabolize fat. Not everyone would need to wait and can take their supplements with their meals or right at the end, but I like to preface things like this because I know someone will have a bad experience that can easily be solved through these methods above.

You May Have a Snack Up to 1 Hour After Breakfast

I would still take your supplements at the end of your meal or shortly after on days you have a snack.

Do your best to avoid fruits in the late fall and winter. Our ancestors wouldn't have had them and it causes a reaction in the body due to the body knowing it's foreign for that time of year. Summer and fall would have been the time for fruits. Seasonal and Regional eating will change your life and save you a ton of money at the same time when you find farmer's markets and sources to get your food in a different way.

2-4 Beef Liver - (Work up to this, follow instructions on my website)
1 Magnesium Malate - (Malate is the best daytime Magnesium for brain energy, but some add in or replace with Glycinate)
1 Morley's FIQ Cod Liver Oil Capsule - By FAR The most potent and cleanest cod liver on the market. Lab Proven
1-2 Morley's FIQ Wheat Germ Oil Capsules -
Lowers oxidative stress and saves money on food/supplements
1-3 Shilajit or 1 Pregnancy Shilajit - Start slow as Shilajit can cause some to feel jittery at first.
1-3 Whole Food Vitamin B Complex - Start slower or lower the dose if it makes you jittery. Breakfast and lunch hours only. This can be substituted for Bee Pollen
Take 1-2 Micro Fiber Gut Support Towards the middle or end of breakfast - This ensures it processes like food and not a supplement
1 Morley's FIQ Recuperate - Copper and Boron - HUGE for metabolizing Calcium - This boron includes a good dose of copper.
I would start taking Beef Liver for 1 month and then add 1 Recuperate in after breakfast with 1 Beef Liver capsule. Take increasing copper slowly and any symptoms of Iron mobilizing will fade over time producing a huge benefit.
1-2 Cayenne Capsules or 1 Spicy Rush -
This is a MUST DAILY for keeping mucus and sickness low.
125-250mcg Vitamin K2 - Mk-7 Normally, and/or Mk-4 is ok also. I'm working on making my own for you all now.
300mg Hyaluronic Acid - This is the BEST joint support in the world in my opinion. Capsule is easy, powder works also. I'm making my own version soon.

Before Lunch:

Take 1 Digestive Enzyme right before you start eating or right when you begin eating.

I typically like to set a timer for an hour from when I took my first magnesium and then have another. I generally start with Malate and then have a Bis-Glycinate because the Malate, for me, can be a little too much energy in the brain, but for most this isn't the case. Many are even doing 2 of them one hour apart and doing both Malate, so feel free to experiment.

The GOAL is to NEVER HAVE multiple Magnesium Capsules at the same time. We want to manage our burn rate throughout the day by spacing magnesium out and having one at least every 4 hours. Most people are working down to having a magnesium capsule every 2-3 hours to keep anxiety low and energy high.

If you are going to have another Adrenal Cocktail or 5 Capsules this is the time to do it on an empty stomach. This is not an encouragement for anyone to jump to multiple adrenal cocktails a day. You want to work up slowly over months with this, it detoxes a lot from the liver and can be uncomfortable if you increase the dose too soon. I'm happy to talk to anyone about this and coach them on how to do it.

After Lunch:

You May Have a Snack Up to 1 Hour After Lunch

2-4 Beef Liver - (Work up to this, follow instructions on my website)
1 Magnesium Malate - (Malate is the best daytime Magnesium for brain energy, but some add in or replace with Glycinate)
1 Morley's FIQ Cod Liver Oil Capsule - By FAR The most potent and cleanest cod liver on the market. Lab Proven
1-2 Morley's FIQ Wheat Germ Oil Capsules -
Lowers oxidative stress and saves money on food/supplements
1-3 Shilajit or 1 Pregnancy Shilajit - Start slow as Shilajit can cause some to feel jittery at first.
1-3 Whole Food Vitamin B Complex - Start slower or lower the dose if it makes you jittery. Breakfast and lunch hours only. This can be substituted for Bee Pollen

Take 1-2 Micro Fiber Gut Support Towards the middle or end of breakfast - This ensures it processes like food and not a supplement

For anyone looking to dose up their copper and is using Morley's Recuperate without the Boron (I will have this up on the site shortly, I have it in stock) please contact me and I will ensure this is a smooth and effective process for you. Thanks!

Before Dinner:

You can add another magnesium about an hour after taking your lunch magnesium, but let's talk about increased Magnesium intake and what comes with it. Many know that Magnesium in too high a dose or too often can loose the bowels. This is when the body is not used to it, you are doing it on an empty stomach, taking too much too soon, or taking too much at one time. All of these things can be avoided by starting slower and not taking multiple magnesium capsules at once. I also recommend that anyone struggling with this uses my topical Magnesium Lotions which will skip digestion getting the magnesium right into the blood. This will help you get Magnesium levels up and make oral magnesium capsules much easier to handle from that point on.

Needless to say, you don't need to rush intaking Magnesium and therefore you can take your time spreading it out. Start with 1 with each meal, and 1 before bed, maybe adding 1 between dinner and bed, but it's the steady pace that wins this race.

Take 1 Digestive Enzyme right before you start eating or right when you begin eating.

If you are someone taking 3 Adrenal Cocktails a day then you can add one here, or you can choose the third one to be before bed. Seems weird right? It's actually something that makes many people sleep MUCH deeper and more effectively. The liver can be a nasty culprit for keeping us awake or keeping us from sleeping as deep as we should be. This is especially true with those who drink tons of coffee, alcohol, or energy drinks.


After Dinner:

DO NOT Have a Snack After Dinner

If you want a successful program, this protocol will do the trick, but if you want FAST progress then follow these suggestions for dinner. I know it's contrary to how most of us grew up, but that should make a whole lot of sense if you look around at the state of the world today and all the things being suggested. Everything is inverted.

MAKE DINNER BORING and you will notice how easy your life becomes health-wise. What I mean by this is not that you can't make amazing food for dinner, just don't have what we have all been trained to have: a large dinner including a bunch of carbs that should only be eaten in the earlier hours of the day. Skip any type of potatoes, bread, rice, fruit, or sweets at Dinner all the way to bed and you will not only change insulin sensitivity and blood sugars overnight, but you will notice how quickly you can tell inflammation and body fat to take a hike. Logically, no factory would drop a huge workload on their workers when they are getting ready to go home rather than when they first get going for the day, would they? See what I mean? If you're intermittent fasting you should be eating breakfast and lunch and then fasting until breakfast again. The difference is unbelievable and I know many would say that's not the truth, but they haven't been doing side-by-side Hair Test Mineral Analysis if that's the case. The hair test tells all the stress minerals and organs are under and when we don't eat when our cortisol is high in the morning, stress skyrockets. Hair tests put all the "theories" and misconceptions to rest, but someone has to know how to properly read it. Fortunately, I've been trained in the Malter Mix side of things, so it puts things into the proper lens.

but what I'm saying to almost everyone reading this who is coming to me seeking guidance for problems; the liver is your issue at the root, guaranteed, and the overload of sugar in it is almost always the reason why it won't heal. Excess carbs or Carbs at the wrong time of day will fill the liver and inflame it, but it also HYPER-Activates the Iron Overload in the body and that's where oxidative stress goes bananas.

You will learn to eat most of your food for breakfast. This is coming from someone who had NEVER eaten breakfast almost my entire life. You will see how your body no longer desires to eat big meals at night, but you will also learn to have your cake and eat it too if you stick with this. You will end up having control of everything and know when you need a cheat meal or refeed day. I found that using the Level 1 Detox and eating breakfast for your one meal made the biggest difference in transitioning over, so I am getting ready to update the Level 1 Detox to include this.

After Dinner Supplements:

2-4 Beef Liver - (Work up to this, follow instructions on my website)
Magnesium Bis-Glycinate - (Do Not use Malate for evening or sleep, it can keep you up and awake.)
1 Morley's FIQ Cod Liver Oil Capsule - By FAR The most potent and cleanest cod liver on the market. Lab Proven
1-2 Morley's FIQ Wheat Germ Oil Capsules -
Lowers oxidative stress and saves money on food/supplements
1-3 Shilajit or 1 Pregnancy Shilajit - Start slow as Shilajit can cause some to feel jittery at first.

Take 1-2 Micro Fiber Gut Support Towards the middle or end of breakfast - This ensures it processes like food and not a supplement

Before Bed:

if you're doing more than 3 adrenal cocktails a day (not hugely necessary unless we talked and found it's important for you specifically) or if you are choosing to do the third one here, go for it.

If you want to add another Magnesium Bis-Glycinate between bedtime, feel free, but you can also start out by doing one directly before bed. I have found that for some this causes disruption in their gut overnight or in the morning, but for others this helps them to go when they haven't been going. Always try this magnesium after dinner if you are experiencing anything uncomfortable and you will work up to doing it before bed. In the meantime use the Sleep Magnesium lotions below:

Use my Magnesium/MSM Sleep Zzz or Sleep X-Treme lotion on the bottom of your feet before bed. 1/4 to 1/2 Teaspoon works well, too much will be greasy. If you need more then you can do thighs for women and forearms for men. Use the Sleep X-Treme if you cannot get to sleep and stay asleep. Work towards the Sleep Zzz once you can get to sleep and just want a better quality of sleep. This lotion is safe for babies and children, just cut the dose to little to nothing at first.

An honorable mention would be to use another 1 or 2 Magnesium/MSM Lotions throughout the day. I use them on my stomach, or any tender areas. We have ones for pain, but any one of them the magnesium will relax muscles and joints. This is also huge for those who can't stomach the magnesium capsules at first and can use the lotions since the magnesium goes right into the bloodstream without any digestion being messed with.

For any women dealing with menstruation issues, I HIGHLY recommend The Period & PMS Lotion daily all around the abdomen and groin until there are no symptoms and then you can switch to only using it before and during your cycle. I have had huge success with women from their early teen years all the way up into menopause.

I pray this is helpful! Please ask questions and I will get in here to answer them and modify this to support the changes.

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Staff member
Aug 20, 2023
Thank you for this information, I have been wondering if I'm doing the right things during my day and this is so helpful.
So thankful to hear this! I will continue to do more for everyone

Barbara MirYam

New member
Aug 31, 2023
What about HCl? What is your experience to best take it? Some bottles say before meal, some afterwards ...


Staff member
Aug 20, 2023
I am currently reformatting the info above so if you are reading it then it should be updated or will be updated in the next hour. Thanks for your patience while I sort through everything.

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